
Apple & iOS

Develop apps and programs with the latest tools and methods


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Apple is constantly breaking ground and releasing new products and versions. Our books take readers from consumers to development professionals. Coverage includes iOS and Mac user guides, programming with Swift and Objective-C, development of new apps with Xcode, integration into enterprise and other environments, troubleshooting iOS on iPhone and iPad, and more.

Whether you’re just starting out programming your first iOS app, an experienced developer, or an iOS enthusiast looking for a guide to your new device, our books will help you learn your way around Apple’s latest offerings. 

Our Key Topics

  • Swift
  • iPhone & iPad
  • Objective-C

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Featured Author

  • Wally Wang_bw

    Charles Edge

    Charles Edge has been working with Apple products since he was a child. Professionally, Charles started with the Mac OS and Apple server offerings in 1999 after years working with various flavors of Unix. He began his consulting career working with Support Technologies and Andersen Consulting. In 2000, he found a new home at 318, Inc., a consulting firm in Santa Monica, California which is now the largest Mac consultancy in the country. At 318, Charles leads a team of over 40 engineers and has worked with network architecture, security and storage for various vertical and horizontal markets. Charles has spoken at a variety of conferences including DefCon, BlackHat, LinuxWorld, MacWorld and the WorldWide Developers Conference. Charles' first book, Mac Tiger Server Little Black Book, can be purchased through Paraglyph Press. Charles recently hung up his surfboard and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife, Lisa. Charles can be contacted at krypted@mac.com.

Featured Book

9781484238349 © Apress 2021